Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Fundraising, it sucks.

So in order to actually be able to eat the next two years, 
I have had to do the most horrific thing,
ask for help.
I hate this more than anyone will ever know.
I would rather work every single day,
before someone digs into their pocket to help me out.
I am independent and a workaholic.
I believe one of my first phrases was;
"N-O! NO! I will do it myself!"
Yes, I am still this stubborn.

I have had to learn that it is ok to ask for help.
It is even more ok to take the help when others offer. 
I have created a website and sent out cards.
Both of those things took me way to long to do because I was avoiding the inevitable.
I have already been overwhelmed with the kindness and generosity of those around me.

Today a coworker told me her children learned what I am doing,
they are determined to help and want to do a lemonade stand to raise money!
I have patient's families that want to help me and some that have.
My coworkers have provided so much support both financially and emotionally.
And I am finding new cards with checks in the mail frequently.
Every single time I am humbled.

I cannot imagine being a position where I am forced to rely on others everyday.
I often hear so many negative things about people on government assistance.
I think it is important that we never judge, 
one day we may be forced to rely on others when we are in a tough spot.
It is not a good feeling,
trust me!

I want to thank all of my sponsors again!
It means so much to me that you believe in me enough to support me.

If anyone would like to help me out you can check out my website at the link below!

Sorry for the boring post with no pictures.
I contemplated putting pics of dolla signs everywhere.


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