Saturday, June 15, 2013

Lessons Learned: Part 2 (of a billion I presume)

  1. Wear your sunglasses in the taxi, unless you want your eyes full of dust.
  2. Eat dinner after 3pm and do not nap from 4-6, unless you want to lie awake long after the other five people in your room are fast asleep. Then you give in to the hunger and think that you can make it quietly to the bag of Gardettos in your little locker. 
  3. Second part of step two does not work, you cannot be quiet. Instead you kick a water bottle over, the Gardetto bag is just as loud as opening your smuggled snacks during the movies, every door squeaks, and light floods in as soon as you open the door. Just as long as I get out fast everything will be fine.
  4. Last part of step 3 is not true. The two Rodhesian Ridgebacks that live here like to sleep on the benches at night. Every time I chewed my crunchy snack they looked like they wanted to chew me.
  5. Do not take pictures. Even if you think that you are being rather sensitive and not shoving the camera in anyone's face or their children's faces, just of general scenes; such as the market. You are not. This is not well liked by anyone. Especially the military man holding the very large gun.
  6. Learn to do math. Everything here in the city is waaaay more expensive than I had thought. Oh yes I will take the bacon, cheese, omelet for my breakfast/lunch. Wait that costs me ten dollars?!?! 
  7. Wear comfortable shoes for the three mile walk into town, unless you want somebody to feel like they beat you in the calves.
  8. When a car sounds like it is honking directly behind you, it is!!! Get out of the way!
  9. Cross the road with other Malawians, unless you want to be almost killed.
  10. If you want to hang out and drink on a Friday/Saturday night (which I really don't right now), be ready to start at 6 and end around 10:30. 
  11. Africa is not really that hot, I only had a small amount of sweat running down my back during my three hour walk today. This generally happens to me in 50 degree weather so I am glad to not come back looking like I ran a marathon.
  12. Do not get lost, unless you want to ask the crippled people begging for money on the street where Mabuya Camp is. They do not know, but are the sweetest people ever! The amputee man smiled so brightly and said, "I'm sorry I did not understand." I just wanted to kiss him (thank goodness I didn't, I may have to add another bullet point to my list). 
  13. When people give directions to Mabuya Camp from moving buses assume they did not hear you correctly. If it does not feel right, it probably is not right.
  14. Just walk back on the same damn side of the road so you remember the landmarks! This is generally the best bet to making it back (I was only slightly lost for a total of ten minutes. I kept telling myself worse case scenario I just get in a cab, they know the five lodges in town well). 
Well I think I have my hostel room to myself tonight!!! I could not be happier, this means I can keep the light on and read while awake if I want. Who are we kidding I am going to charge my computer and watch some
"How I Met Your Mother" just so I feel like I am at home on a sleepless night. If only there were a little Rosie snuggling with me. Tomorrow I think I will be venturing to a soccer game, hopefully I will be allowed and not get in trouble. I also hope I get clear directions to the stadium and do not get lost. I feel it is easy to do because I find myself looking at so many different things, like people, cars that almost hit you, and the ground to make sure you do not step in what smells like and most likely is raw sewage. 

Mabuya Camp: Lodge where I am staying

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I walked a few hours on this road, yeah there are not really sidewalks and yes it is a highway.

Packed mini bus, I almost got hit by one yesterday and jumped into a thorn bush to get out of the way. Funniest thing they ever did see!

I promise I asked this woman for permission to take a picture.

She is tired from me keeping her up last night.

I got the picture of the dead chickens!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kendall, all of this is to read about!! Hope you are having fun and learning a lot. Just think in a month or two it will all be second nature to you! Good luck girl
