Monday, April 1, 2013

What do you mean I should start a blog?

I have been asked by pretty much everyone if I will be blogging while in Africa.
Apparently the answer is yes!
I will be sharing stories and lessons I am learning along the way.
Please beware of my sarcasm and the fact that this is not a traditional volunteer blog.
Those always bore me, even I cannot read them!

I guess I should take a moment to back up for those of you who do not know what I am talking about.

I have had this desire to head to Africa for as long as I can remember.
This is a letter from my high school guidance counselor.
In college I went on three mission trips and fell in love.

So last January I made the decision to finally do something about this desire.
After about three months of searching I found the perfect organization; RIPPLE Africa.
They have absolutely everything I want.
A sense of belonging to a community,
caring for all aspects of the community,
not providing hand-outs instead providing the tools for the community to help itself,
beautiful scenery,
and a fully stocked bar.

Getting ready to leave for two years is quite the process.
Doctor's appointments, immunizations, finding somewhere for the wieners to go, and figuring out finances.
It can all be very stressful.
I many days cannot wrap my head around the fact that I will be leaving for two years.
I know that this is what I need to be doing, there is no better time to make it happen.

Things I am looking forward to;
no time clock, I will work when needed and not have to leave at a certain time,
less rules, more autonomy, and decision making,
working with people in extreme need,
meeting new people,
living without the material things that take over our lives,
and doing something a little crazy!

Things I am afraid of;
leaving my dogs, this one is killing me!!!
leaving the awesome support group of my family, friends, and coworkers,
the food (I am the pickiest eater in the world),
not knowing how to help,
running into financial issues,
and apparently snakes (I am constantly having dreams about them in Africa).

I am just going through the motions right now.
I cannot think too much about leaving for two years, it overwhelms me.
Do not get me wrong I am very excited and will be doing this "wholeheartedly" (hence the blog name.)

Thanks for stopping by!
I will be keeping in touch.
Only a short 72 days until I am headed for Malawi!

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